Fall Mantel
Decorating for fall has been really difficult this year. I would take the decorations out and just stare at them, nothing…..Usually my creative juices start going right away, nope, not this time. Could it be the weather? I think so…It is going to be 105 on Monday! Darn weather is interfering with my decorating!
~I went with a very simple design, white with pops of orange~
YAY~I can actually participate in next weeks party!

<div align="center"><a href="http://myuncommonsliceofsuburbia.com/" title="My Uncommon Slice Of Suburbia"><img src="http://myuncommonsliceofsuburbia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Octoberfestoffunbuttonsidebarsize205x_zps2e9f4157.png" alt="My Uncommon Slice Of Suburbia" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
I am in luv with the apples in the rustic container!!!
beautiful simplicity. luv it 🙂
Cheers, Gee
Hi, I love all your beautiful and inspiring ideas!! It must be the teacher in me (but “thankful” is only one l at the end:) How easy will that be to fix??? (just remove a little bumpkin:) God Bless and thank you for sharing your creative thoughts!
Love it Kristin! Love that pretty metal fire screen too!
Love the simplicity! I totally agree I’m sooo not in the mood for decorating for fall, even with the apple cider candle burning!! We went to Oak Glen today and it was almost 90 degrees. Still got some yummy apples and a few pumpkins…hoping to get the table decor finished today! Stay cool my friend!
Gorgeous and simple…just perfect!
I am a big fan of simple. lovely
Beautiful! I love your fireplace any day of the week – dress it up for fall, and I love it even more!
Your mantel is always beautiful. We are too hot here on the east coast to decorate for fall too. Dang!
105? Wow. Okay, that is one thing I don’t miss about living in So. Cali. I love the little white pumpkins on top of the mantel as well as the reminder to be thankful.
Beautiful! The simplicity of it speaks volumes. What a great idea to write the letters directly on the pumpkins. It turned out fantastic and I’m not sure how you were able to do that with 105 degree days. I would definitely not be in the Fall spirit! Gorgeous!
So glad I’m not the only one with a late start! Just finished my mantel yesterday…
And can I also say how happy I am to see I’m not the only one who has to work around a big TV? !
Very nice! Now you motivated me to get my decorations out! 😉
Wow, even with decorator’s block you pulled together a pretty fall mantle!! Your fireplace is one of my favorite parts of your house – love the stained wood and stone!
I agree, hard to think Fall when it’s still swimming weather outside.
105 … seriously? Ugh. Well, you sure wouldn’t be able to tell that by the incredible beautiful Fall mantel that you’ve created inside! I absolutely love it … while you may call it simplistic, it’s sure does pack a punch. Adding the letters to the pumpkins is genious, and the pops of orange are fabulous. You always inspire!
So pretty! Did I see it is your birthday today? Happy Birthday, have a great day. See you mid week for the party. I must get busy too.
I am feeling a wee bit the same Kristin..but honestly – I love the simple look. It is not so much that you are going to be sick of it.
It is classic and simple…love it:)
It’s just lovely Kristin and I found myself going with a much more simple look on my mantel this year too. Yours is just lovely and so elegant! 🙂
I love your Fall mantel! The tiny pumpkins are so cute with “Thankful” on them! I also love your hearth; it ties in so well with your mantel! I know what you mean about the heat; it doesn’t feel like Fall!
We’re getting lows in the 30s later in the week, so despite your mood & heat wave it looks beautifully inviting & cozy to me!
Love your simple mantel – must be tough to think fall in that heat!
Love your fireplace stone, what is it?
I live in Cold “Canada”…and am thinking of putting our flatscreen TV over the fireplace, such as you have.
Does the fireplace effect the TV at all? Do you have your fireplace on very much, is it gas or wood?
Enjoyed your blog and all your ideas!
Loved clicking through and finding this while pinning your other post. You see, this was posted on my first day of blogging – October 1, 2012. I love that so much. And I love reading the comments and seeing how many friends I now recognize after just 9 short {and sometimes long} months. I’m so glad we connected here online. Your home is beautiful, just like you!!
This is beautiful! Where did you purchase your fireplace screen? I have been looking for one just like that.
We actually found it when a business was moving and was selling everything out of their warehouse, wish I could be of more help.
What is the stone used on the elevated hearth?
Hi Joe- I looked at the invoice and it does not give the brand name. The stone is also faux, wish I could be of better help.
Love your mantel where did you get it?
Hi Tara- We built it using a 4×2, stained and distressed it.
Do you know what color stain you went with?
We went with a dark ebony stain
Does your stone have a cut out space behind of the big screen tv or is the tv mounted with bracets to the stone?
is the name of the stone mountain blend from Eldarado?
Hi Sara, yes it is, let me know if you have any other questions, happy to help