Christmas printable
~Happy Weekend~
We have a jam packed weekend full of fun but I wanted to pop in and share a gorgeous printable I framed for our mantel.
Thank you so much to Rebecca from Simple as That for sharing this with us!
To download your free printable click here, she has all sorts of pretty colors!
Somehow we will fit in trimming the tree, Costco $44, what a steal!!!
~Happy Decorating~
So pretty! It looks gorgeous in the white frame!
Thanks so much for sharing! It looks amazing in that detailed frame!
Very pretty!
Thanks for sharing! The download is wonderful! I love this tree! What a deal! It's lovely!
I love those 4 words. Will download one for myself. I am doing a mixed-media art peice right now and it will go nicely on it. Thanks for sharing.
So pretty and the frame is great with it.
Thanks for sharing the printable! Wonderful words for the holiday season. I love your ornate frame. Your Christmas tree is beautiful. We'll have to check Costco tomorrow. Happy tree trimming!
happy Decorating to YOU!! I am doing Christmas words on my mantel this year. I love it!! I have been on the front porch today, still not done, but I am enjoying the process. I did a post today on outdoor decorations, I think you might like it!! merry Christmas ♥
I am a new blogger (– ) and I love your
blog, but I was wondering why you don't allow us to sign up to receive your
blog via e-mail?
You are an excellent writer and you are truly inspiring and it is so much
easier for me when I get reminders via e-mail.
Kristin I can't believe that tree was $44!! What a score!! Have fun trimming it if you haven't done so already. Thanks for sharing that Christmas printable – so cute!
Thank you both for sharing.
thank you so much for sharing my little printables! 🙂 your blog is just beautiful, so glad I had the chance to stop by! Rebecca