Inspire Me Monday

Hello Friends and welcome to Inspire Me Monday, so glad you are here!  I can not believe it’s already July, tomorrow our “baby” turns 22, how can that be?  It is mind-blowing!  We are getting ready for a little family party and a bigger celebration on the 4th to celebrate him,  I can’t wait!  We also have our best friends in town from AL so we can’t wait to see them!

On another note, regarding the blog, after a LOT of consideration, I have decided to cut the link party to once a month on the first Monday of every month.  So much thought went into this, I love hosting but Google has been a complete nightmare with all of their “helpful updates.”  I, however, refuse to give up.  I love this little side business/hobby of mine, I love the interaction with other bloggers, I love creating content and well, we have 2 kids going off to UCs and need that additional income lol. I’m not sure but my linky party, although new content, could be seen as repetitive.  So I will keep plugging away and making small changes along because I’m not throwing in the towel yet!  Let me know your thoughts on this, I know so many people who have given up, not all because of Google, many for family and personal reasons, but would love to hear what you have to say about this!  Edit to add: I am so grateful for your comments, maybe this will just be a summer thing until the kids head off to college, there is so much to think about. One thing is for sure, I have the best readers and friends here! Thank you! 

I’ll have lots of new features in August and switch it up a little bit, so feel free to link up throughout the month of July!!! Wishing you a beautiful week, I’ll be back tomorrow with another little outdoor makeover! 

You have to see the before to appreciate this dresser makeover from A Ray Of Sunshine, they completely transformed both pieces!

Charleston Crafted come up with a great idea to add texture and interest to your ceiling by adding Beadboard Ceiling Panels.


Container Gardens is such a great idea if you live in a smaller space. My Wee Adobe gives you all the details on beautifying your balcony space.

Flour on My Face is sharing her beautiful and delicious Fourth of July Cupcakes.

Propagate a Snake Plant


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  1. I love link parties and use them to keep up with other bloggers, so not repetitive for me, but something to look forward to. I’ve had several in my blog life, and only discontinued because of health issues. Unfortunately, it’s inevitable to lose some visitors and traffic when you don’t have a weekly party. (maybe just my experience). Have a great July 4th week with family, and thankyou for having us over!

    1. Thanks Debra, I still have so much to think about, maybe this will just be a summer thing before the kids head off to college. We shall see 🙂

  2. Google can be difficult, for sure. I will miss your weekly link party, but do understand. Thank you for hosting, I appreciate it! Melynda @scratchmadefood!

    1. Thanks Melynda, this may be short lived and just for the summer, we shall see. Thanks for joining in this week!

  3. Thanks for hosting each week. I understand your thoughts about Google seeing the party being repetitive… You know I get it. If it helps, one thing I’m seeing consistently with all the gurus… including SEO gurus, is to not worry about Google. Worry about your readers. It seems we might be going back to the old days… which is so freeing. If you have lots of people coming to the party, and it serves your readers and/or community, continue with it. TTA brings in a LOT of my readers, plus bloggers… but by far more of my readers. So, I’m continuing on for my readers, not Google. 🙂 But, there is not right or wrong here! You can always change your mind, one way or another! Hugs, sweet friend!

    1. So many great points Julie!! It’s such a roller coaster, I have always written for my readers, and I know summer is somewhat slow, I’m trying so hard not to stress about it. I think I just need to take the next few months before the kids leave for school and enjoy and come back to this! Maybe it will just be a summer thing for now.

  4. Thanks for hosting and happy birthday to your son! I totally understand with the google updates…I’m glad you’re going to continue at least once a month though! Enjoy your week!

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