
How to Make a Bundt Pan Bird Feeder

This post is for all my bird lovers!  Creating a DIY bird feeder is a fun and rewarding way to attract birds to your yard while repurposing household items. I upcycled a Bundt cake pan and turned it into a bird feeder, providing the birds with a steady food source and adding the cutest personal touch to our outdoor space.

It’s thrift store decor day, make sure to check out the amazing makeovers at the end of the post!  Here is my before, found at a thrift store and 20% off! 

With the open space behind us, we see a variety of wildlife from coyotes, birds, squirrels, snakes, mountain lions (yikes), and even deer. There is a huge variety of birds that build their nests in our yard and in the canyon behind us, it becomes my mission to save them from the crows once they hatch. We had a Hummingbird nest last year which was fascinating to watch. Hummingbirds have had a huge significance to me after my mother’s passing. Walking to my car after transport had come to get her, a hummingbird greeted me, I didn’t think too much of it at the time.  The following day was Mother’s Day, the kids and Ray brought me to a sunflower market to get out of the house,  I sat down and again a hummingbird flew right around my ear, for what seemed forever.
I am a huge believer in signs and this was 100% a sign from my mom, and it’s a constant.  3 years later I still get pretty emotional every time a hummingbird flies around me, but in a comforting reassuring way.  It’s her little love tap to say everything is going to be ok.  

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Materials You’ll Need:

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Prepare the Bundt Pan

First step, clean it thoroughly with soap and water. If you’d like to add a pop of color, you can spray paint it with a bird-safe, weather-resistant paint if you’re painting the inside. I only painted the outside. Let it dry completely before moving to the next step.  


Step 2: Add Teniss Ball and Twine 

Cut about 10 feet of twine, it just needs to be long enough to hang the feeder, find the middle point of the twine, and wrap it around a tennis ball a few times. Tie a knot to keep the twine in place.

Turn your bundt pan upside down and put the tennis ball in the center/bottom space of the bundt pan. Feed the twine through the center hole.
(Sorry for the dirty tennis ball)

Step 3: Fill with Birdseed

Pour a few cups of bird seed into the Bundt pan mold, spreading it evenly. Opt for a mix that attracts local birds, such as sunflower seeds, millet, and peanuts.

Step 5: Hang Your Feeder

Choose a shaded and/or cool spot in your yard, preferably near some tree cover where birds can perch before landing. Hang the Bundt pan feeder securely and make sure it’s stable. I added it to a shepherd’s hook, you could also use a strong tree branch.


Step 6: Enjoy Birdwatching!

Once the feeder is up, it won’t be long before birds start visiting. The next morning after I hung it up, I heard my feathered friends chirping away, I was so excited!  Keep an eye on the seed levels and refill as needed. Clean the pan, especially the bottom of the bundt pan every few weeks to prevent mold and bacteria buildup.

This was such a great way to recycle old bundt pans!

Enjoy your pretty bird feeder!


  • Add a small dish of water nearby to create a complete bird-friendly feeding station.
  • Hang multiple feeders at different heights to attract a variety of bird species, you could use a mini bundt pan for this.
  • If squirrels become an issue, consider using a squirrel baffle above the feeder.
  • You could also opt for a birdseed wreath, which is fun to make.

Making your own birdseed mix is a great way to attract different bird species while ensuring they get a healthy and balanced diet. Plus, it can be more affordable than store-bought mixes! Here’s how to create a nutritious bird feed mix at home. Make sure the ingredients used are safe for birds! I also make my hummingbird nectar, 1 part white granulated sugar to 4 parts clean, boiled water. This mimics the amount of sugar found in the flower nectar hummingbirds have co-evolved with. Do not add red dye or other additives.

DIY Birdseed Mixture Recipe


You can customize your mix based on the birds you want to attract, but here’s a well-balanced blend that works for most backyard birds.

  • 2 cups black oil sunflower seeds
  • 1 cup white millet 
  • 1 cup cracked corn 
  • 1 cup unsalted peanuts (chopped or whole) 
  • ½ cup safflower seeds 
  • ½ cup dried fruits (raisins, fresh cranberries, or chopped apples) 
    Optional: Add a cup of peanut butter, watermelon seeds, or rolled oats


  1. In a large bowl or container, mix all the ingredients thoroughly using a rubber spatula
  2. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place to keep it fresh.
  3. Fill your feeder as needed and enjoy watching the birds flock to your yard!

With just a few simple steps, you can turn an old Bundt pan into your own bird feeder. Who knows, I might be making a bird bath soon lol. Give it a try and enjoy the beauty of nature right outside your window! The birds will thank you for their little snack!

It’s time to see what everyone made over this month!

Bundt Pan Bird Feeder My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
Upcycle Thrift Store Art Shop At Blu
Two Ways to Update Thrift Store Art Our Southern Home
Repurposing A Damaged Stoneware Crock House Of Hawthornes
Small Country Shelf Makeover  My Repurposed Life
Repurposed Picture Frame Idea
Petticoat Junktion

Thank you so much for stopping by today!
You can see how I created a succulent planter out of a bird bath.



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