Homemade Vanilla Extract

How to Make High-Quality Vanilla Extract at Home Using Vodka and Vanilla Beans

Make your own quality homemade vanilla extract in just minutes using my simple recipe, you will have pure vanilla extract in no time.  I’ve been making my own vanilla for the past 10 years and it is incredibly easy! The best part,  you only need two ingredients: vanilla beans and vodka, it doesn’t get easier than that!  Homemade vanilla extract tastes amazing and makes the best homemade gifts, I love making batches of these during the holiday season and handing them out as a hostess gift.  

This post was originally published in May 2011 and updated in 2025.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make your own vanilla extract at home using vodka and vanilla beans, so easy and fun! And don’t forget to grab your free labels below.

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What You’ll Need:

  • Vanilla Beans: For the best flavor, choose high-quality, plump vanilla beans. Madagascar vanilla beans are the most popular choice as are Tahitian vanilla beans due to their rich and sweet flavor, but you can experiment with different varieties.  You can find them at your local grocery store but I find them to be on the pricier side.  Costco and Amazon sell them at a better price.

  • Vodka: You’ll need a bottle of good-quality vodka. It doesn’t need to be top-shelf, but avoid anything too cheap. The alcohol acts as the solvent that extracts the flavor from the vanilla beans.
  • A Glass  bottles or Jar with rubber seal: Mason jars, glass bottles, or any container with a tight-fitting lid works well. The container needs to be able to hold the vanilla beans and vodka with enough space for the beans to be fully submerged.

Step-by-Step Instructions for DIY vanilla extract:

1. Prepare the Vanilla Beans

  • Start by slicing your vanilla pods lengthwise using a sharp knife. This helps expose the seeds inside and maximizes the flavor extraction. You can use anywhere from 3 to 5 whole vanilla beans for a 16-ounce bottle of vodka, depending on how strong you want your extract to be.
  • You can scrape out the vanilla bean seeds and leave them in the vodka mixture for extra flavor or simply split vanilla beans and leave it as is. You don’t have to slice the whole beans but it will take longer for the vanilla to be ready.

2. Add the Vanilla Beans to the Jar

  • Place the sliced vanilla beans into your glass jar. If you’ve scraped out the seeds, you can add those as well. Ensure the beans are distributed evenly so that they’re well immersed in the vodka.

3. Pour in the Vodka

  • Pour vodka over the fresh beans, making sure they’re fully submerged. The more vodka you use, the stronger the extract will be. A typical ratio is about 3-5 vanilla beans per 8 ounces of alcohol, but feel free to adjust this to your personal preference.

4. Seal the Jar

  • Once your beans are submerged, seal the jar tightly with a lid. Make sure the lid is secure to prevent any alcohol from evaporating.

5. Store the Extract

  • Store the jar in a cool, dark place, such as a pantry or cupboard, avoiding any direct sunlight. It’s important to shake the jar gently every few days to help the extraction process along. This also ensures that the vanilla beans stay submerged.

6. Wait and Let It Develop

  • Making the vanilla is the easiest thing but the process takes time. For the best results, allow the mixture to steep for at least 6 to 8 weeks in a cool dark place at room temperature. The longer you let it sit, the stronger and more complex the flavor will become. You’ll notice the color of the liquid deepening over time as the vanilla essence infuses into the vodka.

Topping off the mixture

Always be sure the vanilla pods are covered at all times. This may require you to add a little extra vodka after just a few uses depending on how tall the storage bottle is.  Give it a shake after you refill and give it a shake before each use.
It does not need to sit for another 8 weeks. The vanilla will last several years, if it still smells good, it’s still good to use!  

 How to Make Homemade Vanilla Extract


Tips for Success:

  • Patience is Key: The longer the vanilla beans sit in the vodka, the more robust the flavor will be. Don’t rush the process! (this is the hardest part)
  • Use Quality Ingredients: The better the vanilla beans and vodka, the better your vanilla extract will taste.
  • Experiment with Other Alcohols: If you want a different flavor profile, try using rum or bourbon instead of vodka for a richer, more complex extract.
    The alcohol bakes right out of it once the extract is added to a recipe, no need to worry.

How to Use Your Homemade Vanilla Extract

After 6-8 weeks, your homemade vanilla extract recipe should be ready to use! Strain the vanilla beans, if desired, or leave them in for even more flavor. Here are some ideas for using your homemade extract:

  • Add it to your favorite cookie or cake recipes.
  • Stir it into a cup of hot coffee or cocoa.
  • Use it to make vanilla-flavored frosting or whipped cream.
  • Mix it into smoothies or cocktails for a unique twist.
  • Add it into your favorite ice cream.

Grab Your Free Printable Here

Simply click on the picture below, download and print.

How to Make Delicious Homemade Pure Vanilla

 Vanilla has the remarkable ability to transform ordinary dishes into extraordinary ones and make the best homemade gifts!  Once you’ve been spoiled by the flavor of the homemade version you will never want to go back to the store-bought versions. It truly is the gift that keeps on giving!


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  1. This looks yummy Kristin! And you are right, it would make a nice gift for any occasion. Thanks!

  2. Great tip! I was surprised about the vodka, didn't know vanilla extract was made with vodka. When I run out of my current stock, I'll certainly give it a try.

  3. This is cool!! 🙂 I have to do this vodka vanilla extract.. do you use it also in cakes?
    Thank you kristin!

  4. I've had the ingredients for this for a while but just haven't made it yet. Can't wait to taste it though, so maybe soon I will get it done 🙂

  5. This is awesome, Kristin! I can't wait to try it! We love vanilla in pancakes, etc. The bottle you used makes quite a bit. Worth the 8 wks. Love the label from Graphic's Fairy!
    Thanks for the idea!

  6. This is a lovely gift and I love your label that you put on it. It makes a pretty presentation.

  7. I have NEVER heard of doing this but I am totally going to try it! And, the best part is that after you make the vanilla extract you can use the leftover vodka for a cocktail, right? 🙂

  8. OMG now i can make vanilla vodka and coke! just kidding! but seriously i am going to make my own vanilla ex. thanks kris

  9. I gave this to all friends and family for Christmas this year and they loved! I should have kept a bottle for myself to make sure they were actually edible.

  10. What a wonderful tip! The imitation vanilla tastes so…….cheap. This will add a little luxury to my kitchen! I know my local co-op sells vanilla beans in bulk, so this is definitely on my to-do list for tomorrow! Thanks!

  11. What a wonderful gift idea, Kristin! Thanks for the recipe, tutorial, and graphic! I'm saving this one for sure! 🙂

    xoxo laurie

  12. This is great! With as much baking as I do this is perfect. Thanks for the recipe

  13. Just popped over from Graphic Fairies and so glad I did this is great! I will definitely bet trying this! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Love this, I think I will give this a try. I also think it would make a nice gift..


  15. Do you need to let it sit for another 8 weeks after you “top it off” with more Vodka? How many times can you do that before you need to start over or add more beans? And does this vanilla work for any and all recipes that call for vanilla?

  16. Just remember that you have to use a Gluten Free vodka if you are going to label the vanilla extract as Gluten Free. There are Gluten Free vodkas out there, so no problem.

  17. Um, can you please respond to some of these comments/questions? Everyone is asking questions that I have, but you only responded to three, kinda useless comments. lol It would really be nice to get some answers. I’ve never seen a blogger abandon a post like this. lol

    1. Seth, my apologies, many times I answer comments via e-mail to make it more personal. It looks like I missed one question on this thread and for that, I am so sorry. Since you did not leave a direct question I will answer the one question that I did not answer directly in the comment section.

      As you begin to use your vanilla, you can top it off with a little vodka each time. Give it a shake after you refill and give it a shake before each use.
      It does not need to sit for another 8 weeks.

      The only time you need to let it sit for another 8 weeks is When you replace the beans, usually after 2 years.

  18. Kristin it looks soo yum. I love how easy this recipe, definitely going to try making my own vanilla extract for my husband. It’s such a thoughtful gift idea too! Thanks for sharing!

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