Destem Cilantro With A Colander
This is a trick I learned a long time ago in the restaurant business, De-Stemming Cilantro With A Colander, SAY WHAT? In my late teens/early 20’s, I worked three jobs while going to college and living on my own. Bookkeeper, Waitress, and always a side gig. (not what your thinking haha) I would wake up at the crack of dawn, stop at the bakery, fill my car, and deliver baked goods to all the professionals in different parts of San Diego. Nights I would go to the florist, pack my car with flowers and sell them at all of the local restaurants, that job got super sketchy so I had to quit. I was also fortunate enough to usually have clients that I dog sat, house sat, and nannied their kids. Somehow I was able to have a bunch of fun in between. I think having to hustle so much really taught me the value of a dollar, hence why we have instilled certain values in our kids.
Holding the cilantro by the stems, submerge it in water and swish it around making sure to get all the dirt off.
Dry with paper towels or if you have a lot of cilantro, a salad spinner would work perfectly.
Here comes the fun part!