Search Results for: inspire me monday

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Hello friends and welcome to Inspire Me Monday! During these tough times, I hope your Christmas was filled with joy! This year we were supposed to host my late father’s side of the family which comes our way every four years.  We have about 50+ family members from all parts of California and some from…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday thanks for being here.  We sure have had a crazy week around here with going back into lockdown and having our power shut off due to santa ana winds/fire danger.  I’m trying to get a ton of work done today before they turn off power again later today. Fingers crossed…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday, so happy to have you here!  The holiday housewalk kicks off today and I’ll be sharing our home on Thursday, I can’t wait.  Meanwhile, you can start the tour over at Jennifer Rizzo’s, with so many beautiful homes to tour! Here are some of my favorites from last week! Christmas…