Search Results for: inspire me monday

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Hello friends and welcome to Inspire Me Monday!  Our oldest is winding down summer with his last week before school starts, he will be a senior this coming year, how did that happen?  Our other two starts in a few weeks and then will be transferring out next year as Juniors in college, they are…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday, so many beautiful features last week, you make it hard to pick just a few! The link party is up a little early, Hubby is taking me away for a last-minute anniversary getaway and you never know if those scheduled posts will actually post.  We have had the most perfect…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday, thank you for being here!  If you follow me on Instagram or FB you know we have started demo on the kid’s bathroom, it’s gone through a lot of changes over the years but it’s time for a whole new look.  After 22 years of living here that poor bathroom…