Search Results for: inspire me monday

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Happy Monday friends and welcome to Inspire Me Monday, I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  It was cold and drizzly here for what feels like the 1000000 day in San Diego. LOL, I’m not complaining, just looking forward to some sunshine, which we are supposed to get this weekend, perfect timing for fathers day! …

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday, I’m so glad you are here today! Our youngest is finishing up his junior year these next few days while the 2 older ones are attending Summer school at college and working full-time.  Other than a quick trip to Chicago for a family reunion, and a little camping, we don’t have…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday, thank you for being here, hoping everyone had a beautiful weekend!  The sun has been struggling to come out but I did get some more gardening done, we have been having the most delicious salads with all of the lettuce that has been growing.  I worked on another fun succulent…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Hello friends and welcome to Inspire Me Monday, I hope everyone had a great weekend!  Today marks the second anniversary of my mother’s death, sometimes it feels like time has stood still, it’s a hard one to explain.  I know I’m not alone on this journey, and my heart goes out to everyone on this…