Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday, and happy February! The two oldest headed back to college, so it’s a little quiet around here again.  I’ve been busy organizing and cleaning out one room at a time which is a little overwhelming, hence the lack of content here.  But it’s coming, I promise. Keeping up on the back end of the blog and making sure traffic is still flowing feels like a full-time job these days, not complaining, I just miss the simple days of blogging.  I dusted off the old sewing machine and created a few fun things for Valentine’s Day. I’m excited to get some Spring content out soon, I’m planning out my next quarter which is always fun.  I can’t wait to see what everyone is working on this month. I wish you a beautiful week ahead! Thank you so much for being here and sharing all of your creativity! 

Sonata Home Design has designed the most welcoming front door for winter by using snowshoes, I love it!  We definitely are in need of more rain, we have only had 1 day so far this winter, yikes. 

Recipes Simple is sharing her amazing chocolate Triffle Recipe with us. I don’t think this would last more than a day in our house!

Kippi at Home is sharing her delicious recipe for red velvet cupcakes paired with a cream cheese frosting. These would be a perfect treat for Valentine’s Day!

Charleston Crafted is showing us how to paint a stone backsplash without removing the old tile. This is genius!

Learn how to make a Valentine’s pillow from an old sweater.


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  1. Another month to enjoy, January was too cold here, we are looking forward to more sunshine! Have a wonderful week ahead, and thanks so much for hosting. Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  2. I’ve been remiss on link parties as of late. Trying to settle into my new normal, then I have two new granddaughters and daughters who are in need! Some day, life will settle. 😉

    1. I have been too Julie, need to get back into linking up. Such an exciting time for you to help with the grandbabies, I know it’s a lot of work but they are so lucky to have you!

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