Search Results for: inspire me monday

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday, and happy February! The two oldest headed back to college, so it’s a little quiet around here again.  I’ve been busy organizing and cleaning out one room at a time which is a little overwhelming, hence the lack of content here.  But it’s coming, I promise. Keeping up on the…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday I am so happy you are here!  November flew by, I’m not sure how it is even December already.  We had 2 kids home for Thanksgiving and felt so blessed to be surrounded by family this weekend.  We caught up on movies, took in some incredible sunsets and they helped…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Hello Friends and welcome to Inspire Me Monday!  I hope everyone had a wonderful October, I can’t believe we are headed into the holiday season. I will have one of my first holiday posts next week for our thrift store post, I can’t wait to share.  Most importantly, I am excited to see what you…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Hello friends and happy Monday! I know the first Monday of October is tomorrow but I thought why not start the party off today!  Most importantly, I want to send my prayers to all who have been affected by the destruction of the hurricane, it is so heartbreaking to watch.  Please let me know in…

Inspire Me Monday

Inspire Me Monday

Welcome to Inspire Me Monday, I hope everyone is having a nice long weekend!  Wishing you a wonderful Day filled with relaxation and appreciation for all you do!  I have been working on some small fall crafts and plan on working on a few larger projects once the kids head off to college in just…